
Suggested Bibliography 推荐阅读书目

  • On Presbyterian Government In General 长老会制治理总论

James Bannerman,The Church of Christ, Edinburgh, Banner of Truth, 1960《论基督教会》
Mark R. Brown,Order in the Offices《职分的次序》;The Essence of Presbyterianism《长老制的本质》
John Calvin,The Institutes of the Christian Religion (Vol.2, Book 4)《基督教要义》
David W. Hall & Joseph H. Hall,Paradigms of Polity《论教会的组织体例》
G. D. Henderson,Presbyterianism《论长老制》;Why we are Presbyterians《我们为何主张长老制》
J. A. Hodge,What is Presbyterian Law?《长老制规则探源》
R. B. Kuiper,The Glorious Body of Christ《基督荣耀的身体》
Samuel Miller,Presbyterians——The Truly Primitive and Apostolical Constitution of the Church of Christ《长老制教会——纯正的初期使徒教会体制》
London Ministers,Jus Divinum Reginis Ecclesiastici(The Devine Right of Church Government)《论教会治理的神圣权柄》
James Henley Thornwell,Collected Writings Vol. IV《桑威尔著作集》

  • On Ministers of The Word 论牧师职分

James L. Ainslie,The Doctrines of Ministerial Order in the Reformed Churches of the  16th & 17th Centuries《16至17世纪改革宗教会教牧次序论》
Edmund P. Clowney,Called to the Ministry《蒙召侍奉》
Living in Christ’s Church《活在基督教会中》
The Relation of Ministers to Ruling Elders《牧师与治理性长老的关系》
Paul E. G.,Preaching――A Devine Calling《神圣的呼召――讲道》
The Minister and the Church——Biblical Attitudes《牧师与教会——合乎圣经的态度》
Leonard Coppes,Who Will Lead Us《谁带领我们》
Harry G. Goodyknoontz,The Minister in the Reformed Tradition《改革宗传统中的牧师》
David T. Gordon,Equipping Ministry in Ephesians 4《以弗所书四章中的装备性侍奉》
Robert W. Henderson,The Teaching Office in the Reformed Tradition《改革宗传统中的教导职分》
Martin Lloyd-Jones,Preaching and Preachers《讲道与传道人》
Pierre CH. Marcel,The Relevance of Preaching《讲道的相关性》
Geoffrey Thomas,The Pastoral Ministry《教牧侍奉》

  • On Ruling Elders 论治理性长老

Mark R. Brown,Qualifications for Ruling Elders《论治理长老的资质》
Peter Colin Campbell,The Theory of Ruling Eldership《治理长老论》
David Dickson,The Elder and His Work《长老及其工作》
G. D. Henderson,The Scottish Ruling Elder《苏格兰教会中的治理长老》
Charles Hodge,The Warrant for Ruling Elders《治理长老的确据》
J. Aspinwall Hodge,The Ruling Elder at Work《治理长老》
Cleland Boyd Mcafee,The Ruling Elder《治理长老》
Samuel Miller,The Ruling Elder《治理长老》
Thomas Smyth,The Name, Nature, and Function of Ruling Elders《治理长老的称呼、性质与功用》
Theories of the Eldership I and II《论治理性长老》

  • On Deacons 论执事

Berghoef and DeKoster,The Deacon's Handbook《执事手册》
Andrew Jumper,Chosen to Serve《蒙选侍奉》
Timothy Keller,Ministries of Mercy《怜悯的侍奉》
Thomas Smyth,The Office and Functions of Deacons《执事的职分与功用》