AASOR Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research.
AN Abr Nahrain
ANET Ancient Near Eastern Texts2 by J. B. Pritchard, 1955
ARI Archaeology and the Religion of Israel 3 by W. F. Albright,1953.
AV English Authorized Version(King James)
BA Biblical Archaeologist.
BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research.
BDB Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old Testament by Brown, Driver and Briggs, 1907.
Bennett Genesis(Century Bible)by W. H. Bennett, c.1900.
Bib. Biblica.
Calvin Commentaries on the Five Books of Moses,Genesis by J. Calvin.
Cassuto Commentary on Genesis, I, II, by U. Cassuto, 1961, 1964.
CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly.
Delitzsch New Commentary on Genesis, I, II, by F. Delitzsch, 1888, 1889.
DOTT Documents from Old Testament Times edited by D. W. Thomas, 1958.
Driver The Book of Genesis 15 by S. R. Driver, 1948.
ET Expository Times.
FSAC From the Stone Age to Christianity 2 by W. F. Albright, 1957.
G-K Hebrew Grammar2 by W. Gesenius, E. Kautzsch and A. E. Cowley, 1910.
HDB Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible.
Hooke In the Beginning(Clarendon Bible, VI) by S. H. Hooke, 1947.
HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual
IB The Interpreter's Bible, I, 1952.
IBD The Interpreter's Bible Dictionary, 1962.
ISBE International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, 1939.
JASA Journal of the American Scientific Affuiation.
JBL Journal of Biblical Literature.
JCS Journal of Cuneiform Studies.
JIAS Journal of the Institute of Asian Studies.
JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies.
JSS Journal of Semitic Studies.
JTS Journal of Theological Studies.
JTVI Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute.
K-B Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros by L. Koehler and W. Baumgartner, 1953.
LXX The Septuagint(pre-Christian Greek version of the Old Testament).
mg margin
Moffatt A New Translation of the Bible by James Moffatt, 1935.
MT Massoretic Text.
NBC The New Bible Commentary edited by F. Davidson, A. M. Stibbs, E. F. Kevan, 1953.
NBD The New Bible Dictionary edited by J. D. Douglas et al., 1962.
RSV American Revised Standard Version, 1952.
RV English Revised Version, 1881.
Simpson C. A. Simpson(see IB).
Skinner Genesis 2(International Critical Commentary)by J. Skinner, 1930.
Speiser Genesis(The Anchor Bible)by E. A. Speiser, 1964.
UM Ugaritic Manual by C. H. Gorden, 1955.
UT Ugaritic Textbook by C. H. Gordon, 1965.
Vergote Joseph en Egypte by J. Vergote, 1959.
von Rad Genesis(Old Testament Library)by G. von Rad, Eng. tr. 1961.
VT Vetus Testamentum.
Vulg. The Vulgate(translation of the Bible into Latin, by Jerome).
WTJ Westminster Theological Journal.
ZAW Zeitschrift fu/r die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft.