admin 星期四, 2012-06-07 12:02 发布
Abelard 亚比拉
on the trinity 论三位一体,75
on the atonement 论赎罪,134
Alexander of Hales 哈勒之亚历山大
on grace 论恩典,159
on justification 论称义,161
Amyraldus 亚目拉都
on divine decrees 论神的预旨,120
on extent of atonement 论赎罪的范围,145
Anselm 安瑟伦
on sin 论罪,111
on freedom of the will 论自由意志,112
on the atonement 论赎罪,132
Apollinaris 阿波林
on natures of Christ 论基督的属性,80
Aquinas 阿奎纳
on union of natures in Christ 论基督内属性的联合,89
on the atonement 论赎罪,137
on grace 论恩典,159
on justification 论称义,160