Abelard 亚比拉
on the trinity 论三位一体,75
on the atonement 论赎罪,134
Alexander of Hales 哈勒之亚历山大
on grace 论恩典,159
on justification 论称义,161
Amyraldus 亚目拉都
on divine decrees 论神的预旨,120
on extent of atonement 论赎罪的范围,145
Anselm 安瑟伦
on sin 论罪,111
on freedom of the will 论自由意志,112
on the atonement 论赎罪,132
Apollinaris 阿波林
on natures of Christ 论基督的属性,80
Aquinas 阿奎纳
on union of natures in Christ 论基督内属性的联合,89
on the atonement 论赎罪,137
on grace 论恩典,159
on justification 论称义,160
on merit and assurance 论功德与确信,161
Arius 亚利乌
on the Logos 论道,66
Athanasius 阿他那修
on the trinity 论三位一体,67
his soteriological interest 他的拯救论信念,68
on the atonement 论赎罪,128
Augustine 奥古斯丁
on the trinity 论三位一体,73
on sin 论罪,104
on grace 论恩典,105
on predestination 论预定,106
on the atonement 论赎罪,130
on order of salvation 论拯救的次序,156
on the church 论教会,171
on the kingdom of God 论神的国,172
on baptism 论洗礼,184
on the Lord's Supper 论圣餐,187
Bellarmine 伯喇尔明
on the church 论教会,174
Bernard of Clairvaux 克勒福的伯纳德
on the atonement 论赎罪,136
Beza 伯撒
on representative capacity of Adam 论亚当的代表者资格,115
Bonaventura 波拿文土拉
on the atonement 论赎罪,137
on the atonement 论赎罪,150
Calvin 加尔文
on the trinity 论三位一体,75
on sin 论罪,115
on necessity of atonement 论赎罪的必要,140
on the order of salvation 论拯救的次序,164
on the sacraments 论圣礼,183
on the Lord's Supper 论圣餐,190
Cameron 凯麦伦
on the operation of the Holy Spirit in renewal 论属乎圣灵的更新,166
Campbell, Mcleod 坎伯尔
on the atonement 论赎罪,151
Clarke 克拉克
on the trinity 论三位一体,76
Clement of Alexandria 亚历山大的革利免
his attittude to philosophy 他对哲学的态度,55
on the Logos 论道,57
on the work of redemption 论救赎的工作,59
Cyprian 居普良
on sin 论罪,101
on the church 论教会,170
Cyril 区利罗
on the natures of Christ 论基督的属性,82
Dorner 杜聂尔
on the incarnation 论道成肉身,96
Duns Scotus 敦司徒苏格徒
on the atonement 论赎罪,138
on justification 论称义,161
Ebrard 爱布拉德
his kenosis doctrine 他的虚己的教义,95
Edwards, Jonathan 爱德华滋约拿单
on divine efficiency and sin 论神的效力与罪,122
on free will of man 论人的自由意志,123
on transmission of sin 论罪的传递,123
Felix of Urgella 俄基拉之非利士
his adoptionism 他的嗣子说,88
Gess 葛斯
his kenosis doctrine 他的虚己的教义,95
Gilbert of Poitiers 吉尔伯特
on the trinity 论三位一体,74
Gottschalk 郭查克
on predestination 论预定,110
Gregory the Great 大贵格利
on sin and grace 论罪与恩,109
on predestination 论预定,110
on the atonement 论赎罪,131
Gregory of Nazianze 拿先斯贵格利
on the atonement 论赎罪,129
Gregory of Nyssa 尼撒贵格利
on the atonement 论赎罪,129
Grotius 格鲁修
on the atonement 论赎罪,142
Harnack 哈纳克
on dogma 论教理,14,26
on the Apologists 论护教士,47
Hegel 黑格尔
on the person of Christ 论基督督的位格,93
on sin 论罪,124
Hilary of Poitiers 希拉流
on the atonement 论赎罪,130
Irenaus 爱任纽
on history of redemption 论救赎的历史,50
on Christ 论基督,51
on redemption 论救赎,53
on the atonement 论赎罪,127
on application of the work of redemption 论救赎工作的要求,53
Irving, Edward 珥运
on the atonement 论赎罪,151
John of Damaescus 大马色约翰
on the trinity 论三位一体,72
on the person of Christ 论基督的位格,87
Justin 犹斯丁
Kant 康德
on the person of Christ 论基督的位格,93
on sin论罪,123
Leibnitz 莱布尼兹
on sin 论罪,123
Leontius of Byzantium 拜占庭的李安迪
on Human nature of Christ 论基督的人性,85
Leo the Great 大利欧
on natures of Christ 论基督的性质,84
Luther 路德
on sin 论罪,115
on predestination 论预定,116
on repentance and faith 论悔改与信心,163
on the church 论教会,176
on the sacraments 论圣礼,182
on baptism 论洗礼,185
on the Lord's Supper 论圣餐,189
Macedonius 马西顿纽斯
on the Holy Spirit 论圣灵,72
Marcellus 马赛路
on the Logos 论道,70
Marcion 马吉安
his position 他的立场,41
his teachings 他的教训,42
Maurice, F. D. 毛瑞斯
on the atonement 论赎罪,150
Melanchton 墨兰顿
on sin 论罪,115
on predestination 论预定,116
Montanus 孟他努
his claims 他的主张,43
his teachings 他的教训,43
Mueller, Julius 慕勒尔
on sin 论罪,125
Nestorius 涅斯多留
on natures of Christ 论基督的性质,82
Newman 纽曼
his theory of development 他的发展的理论,17,26
Origen 奥利金
on the Logos 论道,57,58
on work of Christ 论基督的工作,58
on way of salvation 论救恩之道,59
on the church 论教会,60
on purification after death 论死后的炼净,60
on the trinity 论三位一体,65
on sin 论罪,100
on the atonement 论赎罪,128
Pajon 培恩
on efficacy of calling 论呼召的有效性,166
Paul of Samosata 撒摩撒他之保罗
his Monarchianism 他的神格唯一说,62
Pelagius 伯拉纠
character of 他的性格,102
on sin and grace 论罪与恩,103
condemned 定罪,107
on order of salvation 论拯救的次序,155
Peter the Lombard 兰巴德彼得
on the atonement 论赎罪,136
on grace 论恩典,159
on faith 论信心,160
Placeus 普拉卡乌
on mediate imputation 论间接的归予,120
Ritschl 黎秋
on person of Christ 论基督的位格,96
on sin 论罪,125
on the atonement 论赎罪,148
Roscelinus 罗瑟林
on the trinity 论三位一体,74
Sabellius 撒伯流
on the trinity 论三位一体,63
Schleiermacher 施来尔马赫
on person of Christ 论基督的位格,93
on sin 论罪,125
on the atonement 论赎罪,147
Socinus 索西奴
on the atonement 论赎罪,141
Stuart, Moses 司徒多
on the trinity 论三位一体,77
Swedenborg 瑞典堡
on the trinity 论三位一体,77
Tennant 田南特
on origin and propagation of sin 论罪的来源与传递,126
Tertullian 特土良
his doctrine of God 他论神的教义,50
on person of Christ 论基督的位格,52
on application of the work of Christ 论基督救工的应用,54
on sin 论罪,50
on the atonement 论赎罪,130
on infant baptism 论婴儿洗,184
Theodore 狄奥多
on the natures of Christ 论基督的性质,81
Thomasius 多马修
his kenosis doctrine 虚己说的教义,95
Zwingli 慈运理
on sin 论罪,115
on predestination 论预定,116
on the sacraments 论圣礼,182
on the Lord's Supper 论圣餐,189